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Analytical description of resonances in Fabry–Perot and whispering gallery mode resonators

Open Access Open Access


Whispering gallery mode optical resonators have attracted attention due to their simplicity and applicability for sensing. In this paper, analytical formulas are provided that describe resonance conditions in optical resonators. Basic terms (resonance wavelengths and frequencies, free spectral range, $ Q $-factor, summation principle of $ Q $-factors of various processes, finesse, etc.) are introduced. A description of interference of an infinite number of waves of progressively smaller amplitudes and equal phase differences is given. A description of a Fabry–Perot resonator with nonequal reflection coefficients is also given as well as analysis of all-pass and add-drop optical filters. The presented description of resonators will help to analyze the effects of optical resonators, interpret the results of experiments, and guide the development of novel applications of microresonators.

© 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement


Optical whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) [1] are optical structures that confine light due to total internal reflection. Their properties have attracted significant attention in the last decade [2,3]. Different WGMRs allow the application of variable experimental conditions to change their internal properties [4,5]. Most studied WGMRs 3D structures are balls [6], toroids [7], and 2D structures, i.e., rings [8]. The light is introduced in these structures most often by a prism [9] or tapered fiber coupling [10]. These resonators are outstanding because they form optical resonances with high $ Q $-factors up to ${10^7} - {10^{10}}$ [11,12]. When the external environment, e.g., temperature [13], humidity [14], or refractive index [15], changes, the resonances shift; therefore, WGMRs are usable as sensors to monitor these changes [16]. In biosensing, WGMRs are used as units where tested molecules stick to their surface [17,18]. Another significant aspect of WGMRs is a high density of light confined in these structures, thus forming conditions for studies of nonlinear optical effects [19]. For example, whispering gallery mode frequency combs [20] are formed through such effects.

While most of the studies in this field are concentrated on the particular peculiarities and application issues of WGMR, there is a lack of a detailed description of the theoretical aspects of these resonators. In this paper, we provide the advanced classical analytical description of optical resonances with mentioning only some results obtained via Maxwell’s equations (ME) [21,22]. This gives space to accent physical processes operated in resonators, e.g., interference of waves, and not to dive into ME formalism, which gives more precise results of resonances but is ambiguous and practically usable only in some general resonator geometries, e.g., balls and cylinders. Formulas provided here give a basic level of deep understanding of resonances of optical resonators, including WGMR and Fabry–Perot resonators. Finite element simulations of WGMRs and light propagation in them can be made, for example, in COMSOL Multiphysics software and can be used as a supplementary material to analytical theory [2326].

This paper contains the description of the main parameters of optical resonances such as resonance wavelengths and frequencies, free spectral range, $ Q $-factor, summation principle of $ Q $-factors of various processes, finesse, etc. The intensity distribution of resonance spectra is derived from the interference of an infinite number of waves of smaller amplitudes and equal phase differences. Resonances of Fabry–Perot resonators with different and equal reflection coefficients of their mirrors are described. Their similarity to resonances of whispering gallery mode resonators with single and two waveguides coupling is presented. Provided formulas with underlying proofs form a concept system for an in-depth understanding of the formation of optical resonances.


Optical resonances observed in WGMR can be described by wavelength positions ${\lambda _i}$ and widths $\Delta {\lambda _i}$ or frequency positions ${\nu _i}$ and widths $\Delta {\nu _i}$. The whole spectra can be expressed as $I(\lambda)$ or $I(\nu)$.

A. Wavelength in Media

Resonance frequency ${\nu _i}$ is the same across various media. However, a resonance wavelength inside the resonator ${\lambda _{\rm mat}}$ differs from the wavelength in vacuum ${\lambda _{\rm vac}}$ as

$${\lambda _{\rm mat}} = \frac{{{\lambda _{\rm vac}}}}{n},$$
where $n$ is a refractive index of media where light propagates. Further, we will describe resonances as wavelengths in vacuum $\lambda = {\lambda _{\rm vac}}$.

B. Resonance Positions

A resonance condition appears when light interferes positively. If two waves have phases ${\phi _1}$ and ${\phi _2}$, respectively, the resonance condition is

$${e^{i{\phi _2}}} = {e^{i{\phi _1}}},$$
and more specifically,
$${\phi _2} - {\phi _1} = \pm 2\pi m,$$
where $m$ is a whole number. Generally, for monochromatic wave $\phi = \omega t - kx + \Delta \phi$, where $\omega$ is frequency, $t$ is time, $k$ is the wavenumber, $x$ is the propagation axis, and $\Delta \phi$ is a phase shift introduced, for example, by the reflection of a wave. If wave 2 is originated from wave 1, both waves have the same frequency $\omega$; further, when no additional phase shift is obtained due to reflections, and the position difference in the $ x $ axis is $L$, then ${\phi _2} - {\phi _1} = - kL$, where $k = 2\pi n/{\lambda _m}$, $n$ is a refractive index of the media of a wave propagation, and ${\lambda _m}$ is a wavelength. As wavelength and path length $L$ are positive, Eq. (3) turns into
$${\lambda _m} = nL \cdot \frac{1}{m}.$$
The same equation can be obtained by stating that a resonance condition is formed when the length $L$ of the light path loop in an optical structure with the refractive index $n$ is equal to positive natural number $m$ of wavelength ${\lambda _m}$ in this media.

The corresponding resonance frequency for index $m$ is

$${\nu _m} = \frac{c}{nL} \cdot m.$$
The maximal resonance wavelength is equal to light path $L$ multiplied by a refractive index (when $m = 1$):
$${({\lambda _m})_{\max }} = L \cdot n.$$
The minimal resonance frequency is
$${({\nu _m})_{\min }} = \frac{c}{nL}.$$
If path $L$ is a circle with a radius $a$, then resonance conditions are
$${\lambda _m} = 2\pi an \cdot \frac{1}{m},$$
$${\nu _m} = \frac{c}{{2\pi an}} \cdot m.$$
In the first approximation, for circular or spherical whispering gallery mode resonators, $a$ is equal to the radius ${r_o}$ of a circle or a sphere. In an advanced approximation, $a$ is smaller than the radius of the sphere by the fraction of a wavelength as the light travels inside the resonator, and the resonance condition differs slightly for TE and TM modes. For example, for spherical resonators, their resonance positions derived from Maxwell’s equations [27,28] are
$${\nu _m} = \frac{c}{{2\pi {r_0}n}} \cdot \left[{\begin{array}{* {20}{l}}{m + \frac{1}{2} + {2^{- 1/3}}\alpha ({m_r} ){{\left({m + \frac{1}{2}} \right)}^{1/3}}}\\{- \frac{P}{{{{(n_r^2 - 1)}^{1/2}}}} + \frac{3}{10}{2^{- 2/3}}{\alpha ^2}({m_r} ){{\left({m + \frac{1}{2}} \right)}^{- 1/3}}}\\{- {2^{- 1/3}}P\left({n_r^2 - \frac{2}{3}{P^2}} \right)\frac{{\alpha ({m_r} ){{\left({m + \frac{1}{2}} \right)}^{- 2/3}}}}{{{{\left({n_r^2 - 1} \right)}^{3/2}}}}}\end{array}} \!\right],$$
where effective refractive index ${n_r} = n/{n_2}$, ${n_2}$ is the refractive index of the media surrounding the resonator, $P = {n_r}$ in TE mode and $P = 1/{n_r}$ in TM mode, $\alpha ({m_r})$ is the position of the ${m_r}$th root of the Airy function $Ai(- \alpha)$, and ${m_r}$ is the radial mode number.

For the first radial TE mode, ${m_r} = 1$ and $\alpha (1) = 2.33811$. When $m \gg 1$ and the resonator is surrounded by air ${n_2} = 1$, the resonance position in Eq. (10) turns into [1]

$${\nu _m} = \frac{c}{{2\pi {r_0}n}} \cdot \left({m + 1.856{m^{1/3}} + \frac{1}{2} - \frac{n}{{\sqrt {{n^2} - 1}}}} \right).$$
For typical microresonators and experimental conditions ${r_0} \approx 0.5\; {\rm mm}$, $n \approx 1.45$ (fused silica), and ${\lambda _m} \approx 780\; {\rm nm}$. From Eq. (9), we obtain $m \approx 6040$, assuming $a = {r_0}$. Correspondingly, Eq. (11) gives $m \approx 6007$. This means that the correction of resonance positions derived from Maxwell’s equation gives the shift of resonances by about 33 modes compared with Eq. (9) when $a$ is used as a radius of the resonator. Equation (9) can also be used in advanced models of resonances. Then, to keep the simplicity of the resonance condition, typically advanced corrections are hidden inside the parameter of effective radius $a$, which is nontrivial to derive, and the effective refractive index $n$ in the simplest case is ${n_r}$, as described in Eq. (10).

In the case when refractive index $n$ is nonhomogenous in a media, the resonance condition in Eq. (4) turns into

$${\lambda _m} = \frac{1}{m}\oint_L {n_L}{\rm d}L,$$
where ${n_L}$ is a refractive index within a specific step $dL$. Evanescent interaction of waves can be hidden in ${n_L}$.

C. Free Spectral Range

The distance between the two closest resonances is called the “free spectra range” (FSR).

For wavelength scale, the FSR is

$${\rm FSR}\left({{\lambda _m}} \right) = {\lambda _{m + 1}} - {\lambda _m} = - \frac{{\lambda _m^2}}{{\left({nL + {\lambda _m}} \right)}} \approx - \frac{{\lambda _m^2}}{nL},$$
which means that peaks are not equidistant. We assumed that $nL \gg {\lambda _m}$, which is valid for large resonators.

In frequency scale, the FSR is

$${\rm FSR}\left({{\nu _m}} \right) = {\nu _{m + 1}} - {\nu _m} = \frac{c}{nL},$$
which means equidistant resonances.

D. Quality Factor

Quality factor of the resonator system is defined as [29,30]

$$Q = 2\pi \frac{{{\rm stored}\,{\rm energy}}}{{{\rm energy} \,{\rm loss} \,{\rm per} \,{\rm oscillation} \,{\rm period}}}.$$
Stored energy in the resonator is proportional to the light intensity ${I_0}$ in the resonator. Due to energy dissipation, which is characterized by the decay time $\tau$, the light intensity $I$ in the resonator decays in time $t$ according to
$$I = {I_0}{e^{- t/\tau}}.$$
After one oscillation period $T = 1/\nu$, the intensity turns into
$$I = {I_0}{e^{- T/\tau}} = {I_0}{e^{- 1/(\tau \nu)}}.$$
Correspondingly, Eq. (15) becomes
$$Q = 2\pi \frac{1}{{1 - {e^{- 1/(\tau \nu)}}}}.$$
Assuming the decay to be slow so that $1/(\tau \nu) \ll 1$, Eq. (18) turns into
$$Q = 2\pi \nu \tau = \tau \omega ,$$
which is an alternative definition of $ Q $-factor. Lifetime $\tau$ of a resonator can be measured experimentally [12], thus deriving the $ Q $-factor of the resonator system.

Let us analyze the case when the amplitude $U(t)$ of the optical signal oscillates in time $t$ with an angular frequency ${\omega _o}$. It is related to its intensity as $I(t) \sim U{(t)^2}$. When the intensity $I(t)$ of the optical signal decays according to Eq. (16), we obtain $U(t) = {U_0}{e^{- \frac{t}{{2\tau}}}}{e^{i{\omega _0}t}}$, where ${U_0}$ is a coefficient. By taking the Fourier transform, we obtain

$$\begin{split}U(\omega) &= \frac{1}{{2\pi}}\int_0^{+ \infty} U(t){e^{- i\omega t}}{\rm d}t\\[-2pt] &= \frac{{{U_0}}}{{2\pi i}}\frac{{\frac{1}{{2\tau}} - i\left({\omega - {\omega _0}} \right)}}{{{{\left({\frac{1}{{2\tau}}} \right)}^2} + {{\left({\omega - {\omega _0}} \right)}^2}}}.\end{split}$$
Now the light intensity $I(\omega)$ in an angular frequency scale becomes
$$I(w) \sim U{(\omega)^2} \sim \frac{1}{{{{\left({\frac{1}{{2\tau}}} \right)}^2} + {{\left({\omega - {\omega _0}} \right)}^2}}}.$$
The maximal signal appears when $\omega = {\omega _0}$. The full width of the signal $I(\omega)$ at half maximum (FWHM) appears to be
$$\Delta \omega = \frac{1}{\tau}.$$
In a frequency and wavelength scale, the FWHM becomes
$$\Delta \nu = \frac{1}{{2\pi \tau}},$$
$$\Delta \lambda = \frac{{{\lambda ^2}}}{{2\pi c\tau}}.$$
According to Eqs. (19), (22), (23), and (24), the $ Q $-factor can be expressed as
$$Q = \frac{\omega}{{\Delta \omega}} = \frac{\nu}{{\Delta \nu}} = \frac{\lambda}{{\Delta \lambda}}.$$
The exponential behavior of the decay of light intensity in the resonator, as expressed in Eq. (16), can be derived from processes that initiate the loss $dI$ of the intensity $I$, which is proportional to the value of this intensity and time interval $dt$ as $dI \sim - Idt$. In the case of many decay factors described by decay rates ${a_1},{a_2},{a_3}, \ldots$, the intensity loss is described as
$$\begin{split}dI &= - {a_1}Idt - {a_2}Idt - {a_3}Idt - \ldots \\ &= - I\left({{a_1} + {a_2} + {a_3} + \ldots} \right)dt.\end{split}$$
After integration, we obtain
$$I = {I_0}{e^{- \left({{a_1} + {a_2} + {a_3} + \ldots} \right)t}},$$
where ${I_0}$ is the intensity of the signal at $t = 0$. Based on Eqs. (16) and (19), each decay factor ${a_i}$ can be described by $1/{Q_i} = {a_i}/\omega$, where $i$ is the index of the factor. Thus,
$$I = {I_0}{e^{- \left({1/{Q_1} + 1/{Q_2} + 1/{Q_3} + \ldots} \right)\omega t}} = {I_0}{e^{- (1/Q)\omega t}}.$$
$$\frac{1}{Q} = \frac{1}{{{Q_1}}} + \frac{1}{{{Q_2}}} + \frac{1}{{{Q_3}}} + \ldots$$
This shows that the total $ Q $-factor $Q$ of the system can be expanded by various sub-$ Q $-factors ${Q_i}$ initiated by various decay processes [12].

E. Finesse

Finesse ${\cal F}$ describes the resonator and is defined as the FSR divided by the full width of resonance at the half maximum (FWHM):

$${\cal F} = \frac{{{\rm FSR}}}{{({\rm FWHM})}}.$$

Taking into account Eqs. (14), (19), and (23), we obtain

$${\cal F} = \frac{c}{{nL\Delta \nu}} = \frac{{2\pi \tau c}}{nL} = \frac{Qc}{{nL\nu}}$$
$$Q = {\cal F}\frac{{nL\nu}}{c} = {\cal F}\frac{L}{{(\lambda /n)}}.$$
Here, we see that the $Q$-factor is equal to the finesse when light path loop length $L$ equals the wavelength in the optical structure. If the resonance is formed by several wavelengths in the light path loop length, then the $Q$-factor is larger than the finesse.

For the resonance condition in Eq. (4), Eq. (32) turns into

$$Q = {\cal F}m,$$
where $m$ is the number of wavelengths within the light path loop $L$.

F. Intensity Distribution of a Resonance Spectra

Let us examine the interference of an infinite number of waves of progressively smaller amplitudes ${U_i}$ and equal phase differences [29], where $i$ is the index of the wave changing from 1 to infinity. The first wave has the intensity ${I_0}$ and an amplitude ${U_1} = \sqrt {{I_0}}$. The next wave is smaller by the factor of $h = |h|{e^{{i\phi}}}$, $|h| \lt 1$, compared with the previous wave, and incorporates the decay of the amplitude and a phase shift $\phi$. Thus, a series of waves is formed:

$${U_1}, {U_2} = h{U_1}, {U_3} = h{U_2} = {h^2}{U_1}, \ldots$$
The summary field amplitude is
$$\begin{split}U &= {U_1} + {U_2} + {U_3} + \ldots \\ &= {U_1}\left({1 + h + {h^2} + {h^3} + ...} \right) = {U_1}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {h^k}\\ &= \frac{{{U_1}}}{{1 - h}} = \frac{{\sqrt {{I_0}}}}{{1 - |h|{e^{{i\phi}}}}}.\end{split}$$
The total intensity is
$$I = |U{|^2} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{|1 - |h|{e^{{i\phi}}}{|^2}}} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{1 + |h{|^2} - 2|h| \cos\phi}}.$$
This formula can be rewritten in a form that better describes its resonance behavior
$$I = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2} + 4|h|\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\phi /2} \right)}}.$$
The maximal and minimal values of the intensity are
$${I_{\max }} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{\min }} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 + |h|)}^2}}}.$$
The intensity in Eq. (37) can be rewritten as
$$I = \frac{{{I_{\max }}}}{{1 + {{((2\sqrt {|h|})/1 - |h|)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\phi /2} \right)}}.$$
The resonance depth ${I_{\rm res}}$ is
$${I_{\rm res}} = {I_{\max }} - {I_{\min }} = \frac{{4|h|{I_0}}}{{{{({1 - |h{|^2}} )}^2}}},$$
and can be characterized by coefficients ${K_1}$ and ${K_2}$:
$${I_{\rm res}} = {K_1} \cdot {I_{\max }} = {K_2} \cdot {I_0},$$
$${K_1} = \frac{{4|h|}}{{{{(1 + |h|)}^2}}},$$
$${K_2} = \frac{{4|h|}}{{{{\left({1 - |h{|^2}} \right)}^2}}}.$$
According to Eq. (40), the resonance FWHM in a phase scale $\phi$ is
$$\Delta \phi = 4{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}}.$$
For the WGMR case, $\phi$ is a phase shift that is experienced by the light, when it travels light path loop distance $L$ in a media with refractive index $n$:
$$\phi = k \cdot L = \frac{{2\pi n}}{\lambda} \cdot L = \frac{{2\pi nL}}{c} \cdot \nu .$$
$$I = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2} + 4|h|\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{\lambda}} \right)}}.$$
In frequency scale,
$$I = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2} + 4|h|\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}}.$$

If we assume $|h|$ to be fixed and $\nu$ to be variable, then the maximal value of intensity is achieved when $\sin (\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu) = 0$, thus giving the resonance condition

$$\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}{\nu _m} = \pi m,$$
where $m$ is a positive natural number as ${\nu _m} \gt 0$. Resonance condition
$${\nu _m} = \frac{c}{nL} \cdot m$$
is equal to Eq. (5) as expected.

Full width at half maximum $\Delta \nu$ of the intensity in Eq. (48) is obtained from equation

$${(1 - |h|)^2} = 4|h|\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\pi nL\left({{\nu _m} + \Delta \nu /2} \right)/c} \right).$$
Taking into account the identity in Eq. (49), we obtain
$$\Delta \nu = \frac{{2c}}{{\pi nL}}{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}}.$$
If we make a similar procedure for Eq. (47), then
$${(1 - |h|)^2} = 4|h|\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{{{\lambda _m} + \Delta \lambda /2}}} \right),$$
$$\frac{{\pi nL}}{{{\lambda _m}}} = \pi m,$$
$$\frac{{\pi nL}}{{{\lambda _m} + \Delta \lambda /2}} = {\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}} + \pi m,$$
$$\Delta \lambda = \frac{{2{\lambda _m}{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}}}}{{{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}} + \pi m}}$$
$$\approx \frac{{2\lambda _m^2}}{{\pi nL}}{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}}$$
$$\approx \frac{{2{\lambda ^2}}}{{\pi nL}}{\arcsin} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}},$$
for cases when $m \gg 1$ as $|{\arcsin} (x)| \le \pi /2$ for all values of parameter $x$.

Thus, $Q$-factor is obtained as

$$Q = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{{2c}}\mathop {{\arcsin}}\nolimits^{- 1} \frac{{1 - |h|}}{{2\sqrt {|h|}}}.$$
Equation (48) shows the same maximal intensities for each of the resonances if decay rates $|h|$ are the same for all frequencies. If $|h|$ depends on $\nu$, then resonances with various intensities can be obtained.

$|h|$ can be expressed as

$$|h| = {e^{- \beta}} = {e^{- {t_0}/(2\tau)}} = {e^{- nL/(2c\tau)}} = {e^{- \pi nL\nu /(cQ)}},$$
where ${t_0}$ is time for the signal to travel one loop with path distance $L$, and $\tau$ is the decay rate of the intensity as given by Eq. (16). Thus, Eq. (48) turns into
$$I \def\LDeqtab{}= \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{\left({1 - {e^{- \frac{nL}{{2c\tau}}}}} \right)}^2} + 4{e^{- \frac{nL}{{2c\tau}}}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{\left({1 - {e^{- \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{cQ}}}} \right)}^2} + 4{e^{- \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{cQ}}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}}.$$
For slow decay $(1 - |h|) \ll 1$, $|h| \approx 1 - {t_0}/(2\tau) = 1 - nL/(2c\tau)$, and the resonance width in Eqs. (52) and (58) and the $ Q $-factor in Eq. (59) can be approximated as
$$\Delta \nu \approx \frac{c}{{\pi nL}}\frac{{1 - |h|}}{{\sqrt {|h|}}} \approx \frac{c}{{\pi nL}}(1 - |h|) \approx \frac{1}{{2\pi \tau}},$$
$$\Delta \lambda \approx \frac{{{\lambda ^2}}}{{\pi nL}}\frac{{1 - |h|}}{{\sqrt {|h|}}} \approx \frac{{{\lambda ^2}}}{{\pi nL}}(1 - |h|) \approx \frac{{{\lambda ^2}}}{{2\pi c\tau}},$$
$$Q \approx \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt {|h|}}}{{1 - |h|}} \approx 2\pi \tau \nu ,$$
as expected from Eqs. (23), (24), and (19).

For slow decay, Eqs. (61) and (62) turn into

$$I \def\LDeqtab{}\approx \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{\left({\frac{nL}{{2c\tau}}} \right)}^2} + 4\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{}\approx \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{\left({\frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{cQ}} \right)}^2} + 4\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}}.$$
When searched now for resonance width at half maximum $\Delta \nu$ close to resonance, we obtain $\nu /Q \approx \Delta \nu$, which is equal to Eq. (25).

By combining Eqs. (30), (14), and (63), we obtain

$${\cal F} \approx \frac{{\pi \sqrt {|h|}}}{{1 - |h|}} \approx \frac{\pi}{{1 - |h|}} \approx \frac{{2\pi c\tau}}{nL}.$$
Now Eq. (47) can be rewritten as
$$I = \frac{{{I_{\max }}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{\cal F}/\pi} \right)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{\pi nL}}{c}\nu} \right)}},$$
$${I_{\max }} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2}}}.$$
The intensity in Eq. (69) takes the maximum value ${I_{\max }}$ when $\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\pi nL\nu /c) = 0$ and minimal value ${I_{\min }}$ when $\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\pi nL\nu /c) = 1$. Thus,
$${I_{\min }} = \frac{{{I_{\max }}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{\cal F}/\pi} \right)}^2}}}.$$
The resonance depth becomes
$${I_{\rm res}} = {I_{\max }} - {I_{\min }} = {K_1} \cdot {I_{\max }} = {K_2} \cdot {I_0},$$
$${K_1} = \frac{1}{{1 + {{\left({\pi /(2{\cal F})} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${K_2} = \frac{1}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2}}} \cdot \frac{1}{{1 + {{\left({\pi /(2{\cal F})} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{\rm res}} = \frac{{{I_0}}}{{{{(1 - |h|)}^2}}} \cdot \frac{1}{{1 + {{\left({\pi /(2{\cal F})} \right)}^2}}}.$$
For slow decay ($|h| \approx 1$), according to Eq. (68), the finesse becomes ${\cal F} \gg 1$ and
$${K_1} \approx 1 - {\left({\pi /(2{\cal F})} \right)^2} \approx 1,$$
$${K_2} \approx {({\cal F}/\pi)^2}\frac{1}{{1 + {{\left({\pi /(2{\cal F})} \right)}^2}}} \approx {({\cal F}/\pi)^2}.$$
It should be noted that, according to Eq. (70), ${I_{\max }}$ can reach infinity if there is no decay ($|h| = 1$). In this case, equations describe a situation when an infinite number of identical light fields are summarized; therefore, infinite summary intensity is a logical conclusion.

Close to resonance described by ${\phi _{\rm res}}$ [see Eq. (46)] or ${\nu _{\rm res}}$, the intensity distribution in Eq. (69) becomes Lorentzian:

$$I\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{{{I_{\max }}}}{{1 + {{\left({{\cal F}/\pi} \right)}^2}{{\left({\phi - {\phi _{\rm res}}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{{{I_{\max }}}}{{1 + {{\left({2nL{\cal F}/c} \right)}^2}{{\left({\nu - {\nu _{\rm res}}} \right)}^2}}}.$$

G. Resonance Shift

The advantage of optical resonators is ease of use for sensing applications [16]. The most used mechanism that realizes the sensing process is the shift of resonance positions when the external environment, e.g., temperature, changes. This is realized by the expansion of the resonator and the change of its refractive index, as resonance positions depend on the light path length and refractive index [see Eq. (4)].

Thermal expansion of materials is described by the coefficient of thermal expansion ${\alpha _0}$. For material with length $L$, the expansion $dL$ for the temperature change $dT$ is described as

$$\frac{dL}{dT} = {\alpha _0} \cdot L.$$
The change of refractive index by a temperature is described by the thermo-optical effect and corresponding thermo-optical coefficient ${\beta _0}$ of a material:
$$\frac{dn}{dT} = {\beta _0} \cdot n.$$
When both of these effects appear, then the resonance peak ${\lambda _m}$ described by Eq. (4) shifts as
$$\frac{{d{\lambda _m}}}{dT} = \left({\frac{dn}{dT}L + n\frac{dL}{dT}} \right) \cdot \frac{1}{m} = \left({{\alpha _0} + {\beta _0}} \right)nL \cdot \frac{1}{m},$$
$$\frac{{d{\lambda _m}}}{dT} = {\lambda _m}\left({{\alpha _0} + {\beta _0}} \right),$$
and in frequency scale
$$\frac{{d{\nu _m}}}{dT} = - {\nu _m}\left({{\alpha _0} + {\beta _0}} \right).$$
For fused silica, ${\alpha _0} = 0.55 \cdot {10^{- 6}}$ 1/K [31] and ${\beta _0} = 11.3 \cdot {10^{- 6}}$ 1/K [32], thus showing that the thermo-optical effect is the main contributor to a resonance shift. Other effects may cause the shift of frequencies, for example, when additional substance appears in the path of light and when the volume of the media increases due to external humidity as in the case of glycerol [14]. The effect of the resonance shift due to changes in the environment allows us to use resonators as sensors.


A. Fabry–Perot Resonator

The Fabry–Perot resonator is an optical system with two parallel semitransparent mirrors placed at a distance $d = L/2$. Laser light is irradiated on one of the mirrors, and transmitted light of the whole system is measured [33,34]. There are two main types of Fabry–Perot resonators, i.e., bulk glass with parallel surfaces that are covered with reflection coatings [FP Type—1, Fig. 1(a)] and air-spaced plain parallel surfaces, which are covered with reflecting coatings on inner surfaces and with antireflecting coatings on outer surfaces [FP Type—2, Fig. 1(b)].

 figure: Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Types of Fabry–Perot resonators: (a) solid etalon (Type 1); (b) air-spaced plain parallel surfaces (Type 2).

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Let us derive a significant property of transmitted and reflected light that falls on the boundary of two optical medias. We suppose that incident light has amplitude $a$ and is transmitted from media with refractive index ${n_1}$ to media with refractive index ${n_2}$ (Fig. 2). The amplitude of the ray in the second media becomes $at$, where $t$ is the transmittance coefficient. The amplitude of the reflected ray is $ar$, where $r$ is the reflectance coefficient. The time-reversal principle can be used, i.e., when the direction of light propagation changes to the opposite, the amplitudes of the field have to remain the same. Let us use $r^\prime $ as the reflection coefficient when the ray comes from media ${n_2}$ and reflects from media with ${n_1}$, and $t^\prime $ is the corresponding transmittance coefficient. Then, the time-reversal gives ray $at$ to reflect as $atr^\prime $ and to be transmitted as $att^\prime $ and ray $ar$ to be transmitted as $art$ and reflected as $a{r^2}$ [see Fig. 2(b)]. Thus, we have

$$a = att^\prime + a{r^2},$$
$$0 = art + atr^\prime ,$$
$${r^2} + tt^\prime = 1,$$
$$t = t^\prime = \sqrt {1 - {r^2}} ,$$
$$r = - r^\prime .$$
When both media are equal, then there is no reflected ray; thus, $r = r^\prime = 0$ and $t = t^\prime = 1$.
 figure: Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. (a) Scheme of directions of incident, reflected, and transmitted field rays when light is irradiated on the boundary between medias with different refractive indexes ${n_1}$ and ${n_2}$. (b) Scheme for comparison of incident, reflected, and transmitted fields with rays in time-reversal situation. The light propagates along one horizontal axis. Only for visualization purposes, rays have angles to the boundary that separates medias.

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The reflection coefficient of the mirror (or semitransparent mirror) is assumed to be $R$, and it describes the proportion of intensity that is reflected. For the amplitude, this becomes $r = \sqrt R$ and $r^\prime = - \sqrt R$ with $r$ used when the ray reflects from media with a larger refractive index and $r^\prime $ used when the ray reflects from media with a smaller refractive index. In the second case, it can be described as a reflection with a coefficient $r$ and a phase shift $\pi$. The transmission coefficient of light intensity is defined as $T = 1 - R$. For amplitude transmission, it becomes $t = t^\prime = \sqrt T$.

 figure: Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Schematics of light field propagation in a Fabry–Perot resonator. The light propagates along one horizontal axis. Only for visualization purposes, rays are separated vertically.

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Let us explore the Fabry–Perot resonator of Type 1 [Fig. 1(a)]. The resonator is filled with media with refractive coefficient $n$. The resonance condition appears when the distance between both mirrors is equal to positive natural number $m$ of half wavelength:

$$d = \left({\frac{{{\lambda _m}}}{{2n}}} \right) \cdot m,$$
$${\lambda _m} = 2nd \cdot \frac{1}{m} = nL \cdot \frac{1}{m},$$
which is equivalent to Eq. (4). In the same way, the equivalence will be found for resonance positions in frequency scale and in the FSR.

The left reflective layer (first mirror) of the Fabry–Perot resonator (see Fig. 3) is characterized by the intensity reflection coefficient ${R_1}$, transmittance coefficient ${T_1}$, corresponding amplitude reflection coefficient ${r_1} = \sqrt {{R_1}}$, and transmittance coefficient ${t_1} = \sqrt {{T_1}}$. The right reflective layer (second mirror) is characterized similarly by coefficients ${R_2}$, ${T_2}$, ${r_2}$, and ${t_2}$. The incident light with intensity ${I_0}$ and field amplitude ${U_0} = \sqrt {{I_0}}$ travels from left to right and hits the left side of the resonator. This field is transmitted through the first mirror as ${U_{01}} = {t_1}{U_0}$. When it reaches the second mirror, its phase is shifted by $\phi /2 = (2\pi n/\lambda)d$, thus obtaining ${U_{02}} = {e^{i\phi /2}}{U_{01}}$. Part of it is transmitted through the second mirror ${U_{T0}} = {t_2}{U_{02}} = {e^{i\phi /2}}{t_1}{t_2}{U_0}$. The reflected part obtains the phase shift by $\pi$, thus giving ${U_{03}} = - {r_2}{U_{02}}$. Further, we find that ${U_{04}} = {e^{i\phi /2}}{U_{03}}$, ${U_{11}} = - {r_1}{U_{04}}$, ${U_{12}} = {e^{i\phi /2}}{U_{11}}$, and ${U_{T1}} = {t_2}{U_{12}} = {e^{i3\phi /2}}{r_1}{r_2}{t_1}{t_2}{U_0}$. Additional steps show that ${U_{T2}} = {t_2}{U_{22}} = {e^{i5\phi /2}}r_1^2r_2^2t_1^2t_2^2{U_0}$. Thus, the summary field amplitude transmitted through the system becomes

$$\begin{split}{U_T}& = {U_{T0}} + {U_{T1}} + {U_{T2}} + \cdots \\ &= {U_0}{t_1}{t_2}{e^{i\phi /2}}\left({1 + {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2} + {{\left({{e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2} + \cdots} \right)\end{split}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {U_0}\frac{{{t_1}{t_2}{e^{i\phi /2}}}}{{1 - {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}}} = {U_0}\frac{{\sqrt {1 - r_1^2} \sqrt {1 - r_2^2} {e^{i\phi /2}}}}{{1 - {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}}}.$$
When comparing these equations with Eq. (35), we find that $h = {r_1}{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}} = {r_1}{r_2}{e^{i2\pi nd/\lambda}}$ and $|h| = {r_1}{r_2}$, with the exception that the correction of the first amplitude is needed to become ${U_0}{t_1}{t_2}{e^{i\phi /2}}$.

An alternative way [35] to obtain Eq. (93) is as follows. We use the summary amplitudes of fields propagating outside and inside the resonator: incident field amplitude ${U_0}$, reflected field amplitude ${U_R}$, transmitted field amplitude ${U_T}$, field amplitude in the resonator close to left mirror propagating in the right direction ${U_1}$, and the field amplitude in the resonator close to left mirror propagating in the left direction ${U_4}$. They have relations ${U_1} = {t_1}{U_0} - {r_1}{U_4}$, ${U_R} = {t_1}{U_4} + {r_1}{U_0}$, ${U_4} = - {U_1}{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}$, and ${U_T} = {U_1}{t_2}{e^{i\phi /2}}$ from which ${U_T}$ can be derived. This alternative provides a fast way to obtain the final equation but lacks the clarity of its relation to the interference phenomena that is highlighted in this paper.

Equation (93) can be transformed using operations similar to those used for Eqs. (36) and (37); then, we obtain the transmitted field intensity of the Fabry–Perot resonator [36]:

$${I_T} = \frac{{{I_0}({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} )}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}.$$
This can be rewritten as
$${I_T} = \frac{{{I_{T\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_T}/\pi} \right)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}},$$
$${I_{T\max}} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} )}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${{\cal F}_T} = \frac{{\pi \sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}}},$$
where ${I_{T\max}}$ is the maximal transmitted intensity and ${{\cal F}_T}$ is the finesse of the transmitted signal.

Minimal value ${I_{T\min}}$ of the transmitted intensity in Eq. (94) is obtained when $\sin (\phi /2) = 1$:

$${I_{T\min}} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} )}}{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}}} = \frac{{{I_{T\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_T}/\pi} \right)}^2}}}.$$
Depth of the resonance intensity is
$${I_{T{\rm res}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_{T\max}} - {I_{T\min}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{({1 - r_1^2r_2^2} )}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {K_{T1}}{I_{T\max}} = {K_{T2}}{I_0},$$
with coefficients
$${K_{T1}} = \frac{1}{{{{\left({\pi /\left({2{{\cal F}_T}} \right)} \right)}^2} + 1}} = \frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${K_{T2}} = \frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{({1 - r_1^2r_2^2} )}^2}}}.$$
According to Eq. (31), the signal width of transmitted intensity becomes
$$\Delta {\nu _T} = \frac{c}{{2nd{{\cal F}_T}}} = \frac{c}{{2\pi nd}}\frac{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}}}{{\sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}}}},$$
and the $ Q $-factor is
$${Q_T} = \frac{{2\pi nd\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}}}.$$
If both mirrors are equal, ${r_1} = {r_2} = r = \sqrt R$; then,
$${I_T} = \frac{{{I_0}{{({1 - {r^2}} )}^2}}}{{{{({1 - {r^2}} )}^2} + 4{r^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{2\pi dn}}{\lambda}} \right)}}$$
$$= \frac{{{I_0}{{(1 - R)}^2}}}{{{{(1 - R)}^2} + 4R\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({\frac{{2\pi dn}}{\lambda}} \right)}},$$
$${I_{T\max}} = {I_0},$$
$${I_{T\min}} = {I_0}\frac{{{{({1 - {r^2}} )}^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = {I_0}\frac{{{{(1 - R)}^2}}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{T{\rm res}}} = {I_0}\frac{{4{r^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = {I_0}\frac{{4R}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}},$$
$$\Delta {\nu _T} = \frac{c}{{2\pi dn}}\frac{{1 - {r^2}}}{r} = \frac{c}{{2\pi dn}}\frac{{1 - R}}{{\sqrt R}},$$
$${Q_T} = \frac{{2\pi dn\nu}}{c}\frac{r}{{1 - {r^2}}} = \frac{{2\pi dn\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt R}}{{1 - R}},$$
$${{\cal F}_T} = \frac{{\pi r}}{{1 - {r^2}}} = \frac{{\pi \sqrt R}}{{1 - R}},$$
$${K_{T1}} = {K_{T2}} = \frac{{4{r^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = \frac{{4R}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}}.$$
Equation (107) looks similar to Eq. (47) with the exception that the intensity has a multiplicator ${(1 - R)^2}$.

To obtain the sharp lines of the Fabry–Perot resonator, reflection coefficient $R$ has to be close to 1. In this case,

$$\Delta {\nu _T} \approx \frac{c}{{2\pi dn}}(1 - R),$$
$${Q_T} \approx \frac{{2\pi nd\nu}}{c}\frac{1}{{1 - R}},$$
$${K_{T1}} = {K_{T2}} \approx 1.$$
We can analyze a reflected light of the Fabry–Perot resonator. The reflection from the first mirror gives ${U_{R0}} = {r_1}{U_0}$ (see Fig. 3). Further signals are ${U_{R1}} = {t_1}{U_{04}} = - t_1^2{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{U_0}$, ${U_{R2}} = {t_1}{U_{14}} = - t_1^2r_2^2{r_1}{e^{i2\phi}}{U_0} = {U_{R1}}{r_1}{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}$. Thus,
$$\begin{split}{U_R} & = {U_{R0}} + {U_{R1}} + {U_{R2}} + \cdots \\ &= {U_0}\left({{r_1} - t_1^2{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}\left({1 + {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2} + {{\left({{e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2} + \cdots} \right)} \right)\\ &= {U_0}\left({{r_1} - \frac{{t_1^2{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}}}{{1 - {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}}}} \right)\\ &= {U_0}\frac{{{r_1} - {r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}}}{{1 - {e^{{i\phi}}}{r_1}{r_2}}}.\end{split}$$
For reflected intensity, we obtain
$${I_R} = {I_0}\frac{{{{\left({{r_1} - {r_2}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}.$$
The resonance character of this equation can be seen after mathematical manipulations:
$${I_R} = {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} )}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right).$$
We can find that
$${I_0} = {I_T} + {I_R}$$
as expected.

As in Eq. (120), phase dependence comes from the denominator, which is equivalent to the intensity of transmitted light in Eq. (94); the finesse of reflected light ${{\cal F}_R}$ is the same as the finesse of transmitted light in Eq. (97):

$${{\cal F}_R} = {{\cal F}_T}.$$
The maximal value ${I_{R\max}}$, minimal value ${I_{R\min}}$, and resonance depth ${I_{R{\rm res}}}$ of reflected intensity ${I_R}$ are the following:
$${I_{R\max}} = {I_0}\frac{{{{\left({{r_1} + {r_2}} \right)}^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{R\min}} = {I_0}\frac{{{{\left({{r_1} - {r_2}} \right)}^2}}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{R{\rm res}}} = {I_{R\max}} - {I_{R\min}},$$
$${I_{R{\rm res}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{({1 - r_1^2r_2^2} )}^2}}},$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_{T{\rm res}}} = {K_{R1}}{I_{R\max}} = {K_{R2}}{I_0}.$$
Resonance depth coefficients of the reflected light are
$${K_{R1}}\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}{{\left({{r_1} + {r_2}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = 1 - \frac{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}{{\left({{r_1} - {r_2}} \right)}^2}}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}} \right)}^2}{{\left({{r_1} + {r_2}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${K_{R2}}\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}}}{{{{({1 - r_1^2r_2^2} )}^2}}} = {K_{T2}}.$$
If both mirrors are equal (${r_1} = {r_2} = r = \sqrt R$), then
$${I_R} \def\LDeqtab{}= {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{{{({1 - {r^2}} )}^2}}}{{{{({1 - {r^2}} )}^2} + 4{r^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right)$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{{{(1 - R)}^2}}}{{{{(1 - R)}^2} + 4R\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right)$$
$${I_{R\max}} = {I_0}\frac{{4{r^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = {I_0}\frac{{4R}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}},$$
$${I_{R\min}} = 0,$$
$${I_{R{\rm res}}} = {I_0}\frac{{4{r^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = {I_0}\frac{{4R}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}} = {I_{T{\rm res}}},$$
$${K_{R1}} = 1,$$
$${K_{R2}} = \frac{{4{r^2}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r^2}} \right)}^2}}} = \frac{{4R}}{{{{(1 + R)}^2}}} = {K_{T2}}.$$
By inserting equation for $\phi$, we obtain
$${I_R} = {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{{{(1 - R)}^2}}}{{{{(1 - R)}^2} + 4R\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 \left({2\pi dn/\lambda} \right)}}} \right).$$
Type 2 of the Fabry–Perot resonator [Fig. 1(b)] can be analyzed as well. We assume that the resonator is filled with media with refractive index $n$, which is still smaller than the refractive index of plain parallel surfaces of both sides of the resonator. A similar ray scheme as in Fig. 3 can be used. Here, an additional index “B” will be used to describe each amplitude. For example, ${U_{B01}}$ will be used as a substitution of ${U_{01}}$ in Fig. 3, which is used for the Type 1 Fabry–Perot resonator. It can be found that ${U_{B01}} = {U_{01}}$, ${U_{B02}} = {U_{02}}$, ${U_{B03}} = - {U_{03}}$, ${U_{{TB} 0}} = {U_{T0}}$, ${U_{B04}} = - {U_{04}}$, ${U_{B11}} = {U_{11}}$, ${U_{B12}} = {U_{12}}$, ${U_{{TB} 1}} = {U_{T1}}$, and ${U_{{TB} 2}} = {U_{T2}}$; the summary transmission field ${U_{FB}}$ is equal to ${U_F}$. For reflected beams, ${U_{{RB} 0}} = - {U_{R0}}$, ${U_{{RB} 1}} = - {U_{R1}}$, ${U_{{RB} 2}} = - {U_{R2}}$, and a summary reflected beam ${U_{RB}} = - {U_R}$, which has the opposite sign compared with Type 1. Intensity distributions are equal for both types of Fabry–Perot resonators.

B. Circular Resonator Coupled to One Waveguide

Let us explore the situation when a circular whispering gallery mode resonator with radius $a$ is coupled to a waveguide (Fig. 4). The field in this resonator can be modeled as reflected field ${U_R}$ of the Fabry–Perot resonator when the second mirror is fully reflective, ${R_2} = 1$ and ${R_1} = R$. In this case, the absorption and dissipation of the field were not taken into account. Thus, intensity distribution is obtained from Eq. (120) and becomes $I = {I_0}$, which means that all fields are transmitted through the system.

 figure: Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Light propagation in a circular resonator coupled to a waveguide.

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We will describe a model of a waveguide coupled to a circular resonator, taking into account field decay in the system. This system is called an “optical all-pass filter.” Coupling of the waveguide and the resonator will be described by the reflection coefficient $r = \sqrt R$, transmission coefficient $t = \sqrt {1 - {r^2}}$, one loop light path length in the resonator is $L$, giving the phase shift per loop $\phi = 2\pi nL/\lambda$, and the field decay rate ${e^{- \beta}}$ with

$$\beta = {t_0}/(2\tau) = nL/(2c\tau),$$
where ${t_0}$ is the time the light travels one loop in the resonator, $\tau$ is a decay rate of a signal in the resonator, $n$ is a refractive index of the resonator, and $c$ is the speed of light.

Let us obtain the summary transmitted light amplitude ${U_{P1}}$ of the all-pass filter in Port 1 (Fig. 4). The light with amplitude ${U_0} = \sqrt {{I_0}}$ enters the waveguide from the left side. Part of this amplitude ${U_{P10}} = r{U_0}$ is passing through the waveguide without entering the resonator. Another part ${U_{11}} = t{U_0}$ enters the resonator. After travelling one loop in the resonator, the amplitude of the wave becomes ${U_{12}} = - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}{U_{11}}$. This field reflects back into the resonator as ${U_{21}} = - r{U_{12}}$. Another part is transmitted to the waveguide as amplitude ${U_{P11}} = t{U_{12}} = - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}{t^2}{U_0}$. The field amplitude ${U_{21}}$ after travelling the next loop in the resonator turns into ${U_{22}} = - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}{U_{21}}$. This field is transmitted to the waveguide as ${U_{P12}} = t{U_{22}} = - {e^{i2\phi}}{e^{- 2\beta}}r{t^2}{U_0} = {U_{P11}} \cdot ({e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r)$ and is reflected into the resonator as ${U_{31}} = - r{U_{22}}$. Further, ${U_{31}}$ after one loop in the resonator turns into ${U_{32}} = - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}{U_{31}}$. It is transmitted to the waveguide as ${U_{P13}} = t{U_{32}} = {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}} {{rtU}_{22}} = {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r{U_{P12}} = {U_{P11}} \cdot {({e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r)^2}$. In a similar manner, the further series of reflected and transmitted signals can be found. Finally, the summary transmitted light amplitude ${U_{P1}}$ of the all-pass filter in Port 1 is obtained as a sum of series:

$${U_{P1}} \def\LDeqtab{}= {U_{P10}} + {U_{P11}} + {U_{P12}} + \cdots$$
$$\begin{split}& = {U_0}r - {U_0}{t^2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}\\ &\quad \times \left({1 + {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r + {{\left({{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r} \right)}^2} + \cdots} \right)\end{split}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{}= {U_0}\left({r - \frac{{({1 - {r^2}} ){e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}r}}} \right)$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {U_0}\left({\frac{{r - {e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - r{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right).$$
An alternative approach [3739] obtains Eq. (143) using summary field amplitudes in a waveguide and resonator. Now, the incident field amplitude is taken to be ${U_0}$, summary transmitted field amplitude ${U_P}$, and field amplitudes ${U_1}$ and ${U_2}$ in the resonator before and after the connection point with the waveguide, respectively. They hold relations ${U_P} = r{U_0} + {{itU}_1}$, ${U_2} = {{itU}_0} + r{U_1}$, and ${U_1} = {U_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}$ from which ${U_P}$ can be derived. This alternative provides a fast way to obtain the final equation but lacks the clarity of its relation to the interference phenomena that are highlighted in this paper.

The transmitted field intensity in Port 1 is

$${I_{P1}} = |{U_{P1}}{|^2} = {I_0}\frac{{{{\left({r - {e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2} + 4r{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}{{{{({1 - r{e^{- \beta}}} )}^2} + 4r{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}$$
$$= {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{({1 - r{e^{- \beta}}} )}^2} + 4r{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right).$$
It can be rewritten as
$${I_{P1}} = {I_0} - \frac{{{I_{P11\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_{P1}}/\pi} \right)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}},$$
$${I_{P11\max}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{({1 - r{e^{- \beta}}} )}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\left({1 - {{\left({\frac{{r - {e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right)}^2}} \right),$$
$${{\cal F}_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi \sqrt r {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}},$$
where ${{\cal F}_{P1}}$ is the finesse of the all-pass filter signal. According to Eq. (32), the $ Q $-factor of this signal is
$${Q_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt r {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$
The minimal value ${I_{P1\min}}$ of the intensity ${I_{P1}}$ in Eq. (146) is obtained when $\sin (\phi /2) = 0$:
$${I_{P1\min}} = {I_0}{\left({\frac{{r - {e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right)^2}.$$
Alternatively, this condition corresponds to the largest intensity accumulated in the resonator ring [40].

The maximal value ${I_{P1\max}}$ of the intensity ${I_{P1}}$ in Eq. (146) is obtained when $\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2) = 1$:

$${I_{P1\max}} = {I_0}{\left({\frac{{r + {e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 + r{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right)^2}.$$
The resonance depth ${I_{P1{\rm res}}}$ of the transmitted intensity ${I_{P1}}$ is
$${I_{P1{\rm res}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_{\max }} - {I_{\min }}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{4r{e^{- \beta}}({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r^2}{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {K_{1P1}}{I_{P1\max}} = {K_{2P1}}{I_0},$$
$${K_{1P1}} = \frac{{4r{e^{- \beta}}({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{({1 - r{e^{- \beta}}} )}^2}{{({r + {e^{- \beta}}})}^2}}},$$
$${K_{2P1}} = \frac{{4r{e^{- \beta}}({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r^2}{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}.$$
According to Eq. (31), the signal width of transmitted intensity becomes
$$\Delta {\nu _{P1}} = \frac{c}{{\pi nL}}\frac{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}}{{\sqrt r {e^{- \beta /2}}}}.$$
If there is a slow decay, ($\beta \to 0$) and $r \nrightarrow 1$, then the resonance depth in Eq. (154) becomes
$${I_{P1{\rm res}}} \approx {I_0}\frac{{8r}}{{1 - {r^2}}}\beta .$$
If there is no decay ($\beta = 0$), then the resonance depth is 0, which means that no resonance can be detected by intensity measurements. This is an important conclusion, despite the fact that, in this situation, the $Q$-factor has some value as derived from Eq. (150):
$${Q_{P10}} = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt r}}{{1 - r}}.$$
Let us analyze the $ Q $-factor in Eq. (150):
$$\frac{1}{{{Q_{P1}}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{c}{{\pi nL\nu}}\frac{{1 - r{e^{- \beta}}}}{{\sqrt r {e^{- \beta /2}}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{c}{{\pi nL\nu \sqrt r}}\left({{e^{\beta /2}} - r{e^{- \beta /2}}} \right).$$
Let us assume that decay is slow ($\beta \approx 0$), expand Eq. (162) in Taylor series around the value of $\beta = 0$, take the first two elements of the series and use the definition in Eq. (139):
$$\frac{1}{{{Q_{P1}}}} \approx \frac{c}{{\pi nL\nu \sqrt r}}(1 - r) + \frac{c}{{2\pi nL\nu \sqrt r}}(1 + r)\beta$$
$$= \frac{1}{{{Q_{P10}}}} + \frac{c}{{2\pi nL\nu}}\beta \frac{{1 + r}}{{\sqrt r}}$$
$$= \frac{1}{{{Q_{P10}}}} + \frac{c}{{4\pi \nu \tau}}\frac{{1 + r}}{{\sqrt r}}.$$
For ${Q_{P10}}$ to take the largest value, $r$ has to be close to 1. Therefore, now we can expand the second term in Eq. (165) in Taylor series, respectively, to $r$ and around its value 1 and take first two elements. We obtain
$$\frac{c}{{4\pi \nu \tau}}\frac{{1 + r}}{{\sqrt r}}\def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{c}{{4\pi \nu \tau}}\left({{r^{- 1/2}} + \sqrt r} \right) \approx \frac{c}{{2\pi \nu \tau}}$$
$$ \def\LDeqtab{} = \frac{1}{{{Q_{P1\tau}}}},$$
where the decay is described as ${Q_{P1\tau}}$—factor, according to Eqs. (23) and (25).

Now the $ Q $-factor of the optical all-pass filter can be described as

$$\frac{1}{{{Q_{P1}}}} \approx \frac{1}{{{Q_{P10}}}} + \frac{1}{{{Q_{P1\tau}}}}.$$
Here, we see that $ Q $-factors of various processes in the system are inversely summarized according to the rule of Eq. (29).
 figure: Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Light propagation in circular resonator coupled to two waveguides.

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C. Circular Resonator Coupled to Two Waveguides

A circular resonator with two waveguides can be analyzed (see Fig. 5). Such a resonator is called an “add-drop filter.” It can be modeled as a Fabry–Perot resonator with various reflection coefficients of mirrors. The decay of signal in the system can be described in similarity with the description of the all-pass filter. By comparing Eq. (118) when ${r_2} = 1$ and ${r_1} = r$ with Eq. (143), we see that decay could be introduced by substituting ${e^{{i\phi}}}$ with ${e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}$ in Eq. (118). This is logical, as a phase shift $\phi$ was obtained by light travelling one loop in the resonator; in this path, the decay ${e^{- \beta}}$ was obtained. Now transmitted light field amplitude ${U_{P1}}$ through Port 1 can be expressed from Eq. (118) by substituting ${e^{{i\phi}}}$ with ${e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}$:

$${U_{P1}} = {U_0}\frac{{{r_1} - {r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$
Equation (169) can also be obtained from Eq. (118) if ${r_2}$ is substituted by ${r_2}{e^{- \beta}}$. Taking this into account, we can write the intensity of Port 1 as Eq. (120), with ${r_2}$ substituted by ${r_2}{e^{- \beta}}$ and ${R_2}$ substituted by ${R_2}{e^{- \beta /2}}$, or as Eq. (145) with ${e^{- \beta}}$ substituted by ${r_2}{e^{- \beta}}$ and $r$ substituted by ${r_1}$:
$$\begin{split}{I_{P1}} &= |{U_{P1}}{|^2}\\ &= {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 - r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right).\end{split}$$
It can be rewritten as
$${I_{P1}} = {I_0} - \frac{{{I_{P11\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_T}/\pi} \right)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}},$$
$${I_{P11\max}} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 - r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${{\cal F}_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi \sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}} {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}},$$
where ${{\cal F}_{P1}}$ is the finesse of the add-drop filter signal in Port 1. According to Eq. (32), the $ Q $-factor of this signal in Port 1 is
$${Q_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}} {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r_2}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$
The minimal value ${I_{P1\min}}$ of ${I_{P1}}$ is obtained when $\sin (\phi /2) = 0$:
$${I_{P1\min}} = {I_0}{\left({\frac{{{r_1} - {r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right)^2}.$$
The maximal value ${I_{P1\max}}$ of ${I_{P1}}$ is obtained when $\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2) = 1$:
$${I_{P1\max}} = {I_0}{\left({\frac{{{r_1} + {r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{1 + {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}} \right)^2}.$$
The resonance depth is
$${I_{P1{\rm res}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_{P1\max}} - {I_{P1\min}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 - r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - r_1^2r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {K_{1P1}}{I_{P1\max}} = {K_{2P1}}{I_0},$$
$${K_{1P1}} = \frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 - r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}{{\left({{r_1} + {r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}}},$$
Tables Icon

Table 1. Summary of Main Equations That Describe Parameters of Resonances

$${K_{2P1}} = \frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 - r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - r_1^2r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}.$$
If there is a slow decay, ($\beta \to 0$) and $r_1$, $r_2 \nrightarrow 1$, then the resonance depth in Eq. (178) becomes
$${I_{\rm res}} \approx {I_0}\frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} )}}{{{{({1 - r_1^2r_2^2} )}^2}}}.$$
In Port 2 (see Fig. 5), the output signal amplitude ${U_{P2}}$ can be obtained from Eq. (93) taking into account that ${e^{{i\phi}}}$ has to be substituted by ${e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}$:
$${U_{P2}} = {U_0}\frac{{\sqrt {1 - r_1^2} \sqrt {1 - r_2^2} {e^{i\phi /2}}{e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{{i\phi}}}{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$
The corresponding field intensity ${I_{P2}} = |{U_{P2}}{|^2}$ in Port 2 becomes
$${I_{P2}} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){e^{- \beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}$$
$$= \frac{{{I_{P2\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_{P2}}/\pi} \right)}^2}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}},$$
where maximal value ${I_{P2\max}}$ and the finesse ${{\cal F}_{P2}}$ can be derived as
$${I_{P2\max}} = \frac{{{I_0}({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){e^{- \beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${{\cal F}_{P2}} = \frac{{\pi \sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}} {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}} = {{\cal F}_{P1}}.$$
The corresponding $ Q $-factor of the signal in Port 2 is
$${Q_{P2}} = {Q_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{\sqrt {{r_1}{r_2}} {e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r_2}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$
The minimal value ${I_{P2\min}}$ of the intensity ${I_{P2}}$ in Eq. (184) is obtained when $\sin (\phi /2) = 1$:
$${I_{P2\min}} = \frac{{{I_0}({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){e^{- \beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$= \frac{{{I_{P2\max}}}}{{1 + {{\left({2{{\cal F}_{P2}}/\pi} \right)}^2}}}.$$
The resonance depth ${I_{P2{\rm res}}}$ of the intensity ${I_{P2}}$ becomes
$${I_{P2{\rm res}}}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_{P2\max}} - {I_{P2\min}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}{e^{- 2\beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 - r_1^2r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}$$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {K_{1P2}}{I_{P2\max}} = {K_{2P2}}{I_0},$$
with corresponding coefficients
$${K_{1P2}} = \frac{1}{{{{\left({\pi /\left({2{{\cal F}_{P2}}} \right)} \right)}^2} + 1}} = \frac{{4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 + {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2}}},$$
$${K_{2P2}} = \frac{{4({1 - r_1^2} )({1 - r_2^2} ){r_1}{r_2}{e^{- 2\beta}}}}{{{{\left({1 - r_1^2r_2^2{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}^2}}}.$$
Within our model, the light intensity in Port 3 is ${I_{P3}} = 0$, as no light travels in the opposite direction to the incident light.

The dissipated intensity ${I_D}$ of the add-drop filter can be obtained as

$${I_D}\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0} - \left({{I_{P1}} + {I_{P2}}} \right) $$
$$\def\LDeqtab{} = {I_0}\frac{{({1 - r_1^2} )\left({1 + r_2^2{e^{- \beta}}} \right)\left({1 - {e^{- \beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2} + 4{r_1}{r_2}{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}.$$
When there is no decay, ($\beta = 0$), the dissipated field vanishes ${I_D} = 0$, as expected from Eq. (121).

When the coupling of the resonator to both waveguides is equal, which means ${r_1} = {r_2} = r$, then the characteristic parameters of the field in Port 1 become

$${I_{P1}} = {I_0}\left({1 - \frac{{({1 - {r^2}} )\left({1 - {r^2}{e^{- 2\beta}}} \right)}}{{{{\left({1 - {r^2}{e^{- \beta}}} \right)}^2} + 4{r^2}{e^{- \beta}}\mathop {\sin}\nolimits^2 (\phi /2)}}} \right),$$
$${{\cal F}_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi r{e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r^2}{e^{- \beta}}}},$$
$${Q_{P1}} = \frac{{\pi nL\nu}}{c}\frac{{r{e^{- \beta /2}}}}{{1 - {r^2}{e^{- \beta}}}}.$$


Main derived formulas as a result of this paper are summarized in Table 1. They are ordered in a way that asserts the similarity of Fabry–Perot and whispering gallery mode resonances with those of an interference of an infinite number of waves of progressively smaller amplitudes and equal phase differences.

We presented the classical analytical description of resonances in Fabry–Perot and whispering gallery mode resonators. Basic terms such as wavelength in media, resonance condition for wavelength and frequency, including an integral form of resonance condition in case of nonhomogenous media, free spectral range, $ Q $-factor, summation principle of $ Q $-factors of various processes, and finesse were introduced. Interference of an infinite number of waves of progressively smaller amplitudes and equal phase differences were described, its intensity distribution, maximal intensity, minimal intensity, resonance depth, resonance condition, resonance width, $ Q $-factor, and finesse were derived. The case of a small decay was analyzed.

Fabry–Perot resonators with nonequal and equal reflection coefficients of their mirrors were described. The amplitudes of fields in a resonator, summary amplitude of transmitted and reflected fields, intensity distribution, maximal and minimal intensities, resonance depth, resonance width, finesse, $ Q $-factor, and corresponding values for slow decay were analyzed.

Circular resonators coupled to one and two waveguides were described. Field decay in the resonator was introduced. Characteristics of resonances were derived and presented in the form that allows them to compare with Fabry–Perot resonances and general case of the interference of an infinite number of waves of progressively smaller amplitudes and equal phase differences.

A description of the resonances provided in this paper is a useful tool for reference when forming an in-depth understanding of optical resonances, analyzing experimental data, and searching for ways to optimize resonator systems.

Summarizing our paper represents a detailed description of the theoretical approach describing features of the resonators for general introduction in the topics of optical resonances.


Latvijas Zinātnes Padome (lzp-2018/1-0510); Centrālā finanšu un līgumu agentūra (,


The author is thankful to R. A. Ganeev for useful comments on the paper.


The author declares no conflicts of interests.

Data Availability

Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the author upon reasonable request.


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Figures (5)

Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Types of Fabry–Perot resonators: (a) solid etalon (Type 1); (b) air-spaced plain parallel surfaces (Type 2).
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. (a) Scheme of directions of incident, reflected, and transmitted field rays when light is irradiated on the boundary between medias with different refractive indexes ${n_1}$ and ${n_2}$. (b) Scheme for comparison of incident, reflected, and transmitted fields with rays in time-reversal situation. The light propagates along one horizontal axis. Only for visualization purposes, rays have angles to the boundary that separates medias.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Schematics of light field propagation in a Fabry–Perot resonator. The light propagates along one horizontal axis. Only for visualization purposes, rays are separated vertically.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Light propagation in a circular resonator coupled to a waveguide.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Light propagation in circular resonator coupled to two waveguides.

Tables (1)

Tables Icon

Table 1. Summary of Main Equations That Describe Parameters of Resonances

Equations (200)

Equations on this page are rendered with MathJax. Learn more.

λ m a t = λ v a c n ,
e i ϕ 2 = e i ϕ 1 ,
ϕ 2 ϕ 1 = ± 2 π m ,
λ m = n L 1 m .
ν m = c n L m .
( λ m ) max = L n .
( ν m ) min = c n L .
λ m = 2 π a n 1 m ,
ν m = c 2 π a n m .
ν m = c 2 π r 0 n [ m + 1 2 + 2 1 / 3 α ( m r ) ( m + 1 2 ) 1 / 3 P ( n r 2 1 ) 1 / 2 + 3 10 2 2 / 3 α 2 ( m r ) ( m + 1 2 ) 1 / 3 2 1 / 3 P ( n r 2 2 3 P 2 ) α ( m r ) ( m + 1 2 ) 2 / 3 ( n r 2 1 ) 3 / 2 ] ,
ν m = c 2 π r 0 n ( m + 1.856 m 1 / 3 + 1 2 n n 2 1 ) .
λ m = 1 m L n L d L ,
F S R ( λ m ) = λ m + 1 λ m = λ m 2 ( n L + λ m ) λ m 2 n L ,
F S R ( ν m ) = ν m + 1 ν m = c n L ,
Q = 2 π s t o r e d e n e r g y e n e r g y l o s s p e r o s c i l l a t i o n p e r i o d .
I = I 0 e t / τ .
I = I 0 e T / τ = I 0 e 1 / ( τ ν ) .
Q = 2 π 1 1 e 1 / ( τ ν ) .
Q = 2 π ν τ = τ ω ,
U ( ω ) = 1 2 π 0 + U ( t ) e i ω t d t = U 0 2 π i 1 2 τ i ( ω ω 0 ) ( 1 2 τ ) 2 + ( ω ω 0 ) 2 .
I ( w ) U ( ω ) 2 1 ( 1 2 τ ) 2 + ( ω ω 0 ) 2 .
Δ ω = 1 τ .
Δ ν = 1 2 π τ ,
Δ λ = λ 2 2 π c τ .
Q = ω Δ ω = ν Δ ν = λ Δ λ .
d I = a 1 I d t a 2 I d t a 3 I d t = I ( a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + ) d t .
I = I 0 e ( a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + ) t ,
I = I 0 e ( 1 / Q 1 + 1 / Q 2 + 1 / Q 3 + ) ω t = I 0 e ( 1 / Q ) ω t .
1 Q = 1 Q 1 + 1 Q 2 + 1 Q 3 +
F = F S R ( F W H M ) .
F = c n L Δ ν = 2 π τ c n L = Q c n L ν
Q = F n L ν c = F L ( λ / n ) .
Q = F m ,
U 1 , U 2 = h U 1 , U 3 = h U 2 = h 2 U 1 ,
U = U 1 + U 2 + U 3 + = U 1 ( 1 + h + h 2 + h 3 + . . . ) = U 1 k = 0 h k = U 1 1 h = I 0 1 | h | e i ϕ .
I = | U | 2 = I 0 | 1 | h | e i ϕ | 2 = I 0 1 + | h | 2 2 | h | cos ϕ .
I = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 + 4 | h | sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) .
I max = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 ,
I min = I 0 ( 1 + | h | ) 2 .
I = I max 1 + ( ( 2 | h | ) / 1 | h | ) 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) .
I r e s = I max I min = 4 | h | I 0 ( 1 | h | 2 ) 2 ,
I r e s = K 1 I max = K 2 I 0 ,
K 1 = 4 | h | ( 1 + | h | ) 2 ,
K 2 = 4 | h | ( 1 | h | 2 ) 2 .
Δ ϕ = 4 arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | .
ϕ = k L = 2 π n λ L = 2 π n L c ν .
I = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 + 4 | h | sin 2 ( π n L λ ) .
I = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 + 4 | h | sin 2 ( π n L c ν ) .
π n L c ν m = π m ,
ν m = c n L m
( 1 | h | ) 2 = 4 | h | sin 2 ( π n L ( ν m + Δ ν / 2 ) / c ) .
Δ ν = 2 c π n L arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | .
( 1 | h | ) 2 = 4 | h | sin 2 ( π n L λ m + Δ λ / 2 ) ,
π n L λ m = π m ,
π n L λ m + Δ λ / 2 = arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | + π m ,
Δ λ = 2 λ m arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | + π m
2 λ m 2 π n L arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h |
2 λ 2 π n L arcsin 1 | h | 2 | h | ,
Q = π n L ν 2 c arcsin 1 1 | h | 2 | h | .
| h | = e β = e t 0 / ( 2 τ ) = e n L / ( 2 c τ ) = e π n L ν / ( c Q ) ,
I = I 0 ( 1 e n L 2 c τ ) 2 + 4 e n L 2 c τ sin 2 ( π n L c ν )
= I 0 ( 1 e π n L ν c Q ) 2 + 4 e π n L ν c Q sin 2 ( π n L c ν ) .
Δ ν c π n L 1 | h | | h | c π n L ( 1 | h | ) 1 2 π τ ,
Δ λ λ 2 π n L 1 | h | | h | λ 2 π n L ( 1 | h | ) λ 2 2 π c τ ,
Q π n L ν c | h | 1 | h | 2 π τ ν ,
I I 0 ( n L 2 c τ ) 2 + 4 sin 2 ( π n L c ν )
I 0 ( π n L ν c Q ) 2 + 4 sin 2 ( π n L c ν ) .
F π | h | 1 | h | π 1 | h | 2 π c τ n L .
I = I max 1 + ( 2 F / π ) 2 sin 2 ( π n L c ν ) ,
I max = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 .
I min = I max 1 + ( 2 F / π ) 2 .
I r e s = I max I min = K 1 I max = K 2 I 0 ,
K 1 = 1 1 + ( π / ( 2 F ) ) 2 ,
K 2 = 1 ( 1 | h | ) 2 1 1 + ( π / ( 2 F ) ) 2 ,
I r e s = I 0 ( 1 | h | ) 2 1 1 + ( π / ( 2 F ) ) 2 .
K 1 1 ( π / ( 2 F ) ) 2 1 ,
K 2 ( F / π ) 2 1 1 + ( π / ( 2 F ) ) 2 ( F / π ) 2 .
I = I max 1 + ( F / π ) 2 ( ϕ ϕ r e s ) 2
= I max 1 + ( 2 n L F / c ) 2 ( ν ν r e s ) 2 .
d L d T = α 0 L .
d n d T = β 0 n .
d λ m d T = ( d n d T L + n d L d T ) 1 m = ( α 0 + β 0 ) n L 1 m ,
d λ m d T = λ m ( α 0 + β 0 ) ,
d ν m d T = ν m ( α 0 + β 0 ) .
a = a t t + a r 2 ,
0 = a r t + a t r ,
r 2 + t t = 1 ,
t = t = 1 r 2 ,
r = r .
d = ( λ m 2 n ) m ,
λ m = 2 n d 1 m = n L 1 m ,
U T = U T 0 + U T 1 + U T 2 + = U 0 t 1 t 2 e i ϕ / 2 ( 1 + e i ϕ r 1 r 2 + ( e i ϕ r 1 r 2 ) 2 + )
= U 0 t 1 t 2 e i ϕ / 2 1 e i ϕ r 1 r 2 = U 0 1 r 1 2 1 r 2 2 e i ϕ / 2 1 e i ϕ r 1 r 2 .
I T = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) .
I T = I T max 1 + ( 2 F T / π ) 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ,
I T max = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 ,
F T = π r 1 r 2 1 r 1 r 2 ,
I T min = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) ( 1 + r 1 r 2 ) 2 = I T max 1 + ( 2 F T / π ) 2 .
I T r e s = I T max I T min
= I 0 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 ) 2
= K T 1 I T max = K T 2 I 0 ,
K T 1 = 1 ( π / ( 2 F T ) ) 2 + 1 = 4 r 1 r 2 ( 1 + r 1 r 2 ) 2 ,
K T 2 = 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 ) 2 .
Δ ν T = c 2 n d F T = c 2 π n d 1 r 1 r 2 r 1 r 2 ,
Q T = 2 π n d ν c r 1 r 2 1 r 1 r 2 .
I T = I 0 ( 1 r 2 ) 2 ( 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 2 sin 2 ( 2 π d n λ )
= I 0 ( 1 R ) 2 ( 1 R ) 2 + 4 R sin 2 ( 2 π d n λ ) ,
I T max = I 0 ,
I T min = I 0 ( 1 r 2 ) 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = I 0 ( 1 R ) 2 ( 1 + R ) 2 ,
I T r e s = I 0 4 r 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = I 0 4 R ( 1 + R ) 2 ,
Δ ν T = c 2 π d n 1 r 2 r = c 2 π d n 1 R R ,
Q T = 2 π d n ν c r 1 r 2 = 2 π d n ν c R 1 R ,
F T = π r 1 r 2 = π R 1 R ,
K T 1 = K T 2 = 4 r 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = 4 R ( 1 + R ) 2 .
Δ ν T c 2 π d n ( 1 R ) ,
Q T 2 π n d ν c 1 1 R ,
K T 1 = K T 2 1.
U R = U R 0 + U R 1 + U R 2 + = U 0 ( r 1 t 1 2 r 2 e i ϕ ( 1 + e i ϕ r 1 r 2 + ( e i ϕ r 1 r 2 ) 2 + ) ) = U 0 ( r 1 t 1 2 r 2 e i ϕ 1 e i ϕ r 1 r 2 ) = U 0 r 1 r 2 e i ϕ 1 e i ϕ r 1 r 2 .
I R = I 0 ( r 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) .
I R = I 0 ( 1 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ) .
I 0 = I T + I R
F R = F T .
I R max = I 0 ( r 1 + r 2 ) 2 ( 1 + r 1 r 2 ) 2 ,
I R min = I 0 ( r 1 r 2 ) 2 ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 ,
I R r e s = I R max I R min ,
I R r e s = I 0 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 ) 2 ,
= I T r e s = K R 1 I R max = K R 2 I 0 .
K R 1 = 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 ( r 1 + r 2 ) 2
= 1 ( 1 + r 1 r 2 ) 2 ( r 1 r 2 ) 2 ( 1 r 1 r 2 ) 2 ( r 1 + r 2 ) 2 ,
K R 2 = 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 ) 2 = K T 2 .
I R = I 0 ( 1 ( 1 r 2 ) 2 ( 1 r 2 ) 2 + 4 r 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) )
= I 0 ( 1 ( 1 R ) 2 ( 1 R ) 2 + 4 R sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) )
I R max = I 0 4 r 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = I 0 4 R ( 1 + R ) 2 ,
I R min = 0 ,
I R r e s = I 0 4 r 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = I 0 4 R ( 1 + R ) 2 = I T r e s ,
K R 1 = 1 ,
K R 2 = 4 r 2 ( 1 + r 2 ) 2 = 4 R ( 1 + R ) 2 = K T 2 .
I R = I 0 ( 1 ( 1 R ) 2 ( 1 R ) 2 + 4 R sin 2 ( 2 π d n / λ ) ) .
β = t 0 / ( 2 τ ) = n L / ( 2 c τ ) ,
U P 1 = U P 10 + U P 11 + U P 12 +
= U 0 r U 0 t 2 e i ϕ e β × ( 1 + e i ϕ e β r + ( e i ϕ e β r ) 2 + )
= U 0 ( r ( 1 r 2 ) e i ϕ e β 1 e i ϕ e β r )
= U 0 ( r e i ϕ e β 1 r e i ϕ e β ) .
I P 1 = | U P 1 | 2 = I 0 ( r e β ) 2 + 4 r e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ( 1 r e β ) 2 + 4 r e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 )
= I 0 ( 1 ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 e 2 β ) ( 1 r e β ) 2 + 4 r e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ) .
I P 1 = I 0 I P 11 max 1 + ( 2 F P 1 / π ) 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ,
I P 11 max = I 0 ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 e 2 β ) ( 1 r e β ) 2
= I 0 ( 1 ( r e β 1 r e β ) 2 ) ,
F P 1 = π r e β / 2 1 r e β ,
Q P 1 = π n L ν c r e β / 2 1 r e β .
I P 1 min = I 0 ( r e β 1 r e β ) 2 .
I P 1 max = I 0 ( r + e β 1 + r e β ) 2 .
I P 1 r e s = I max I min
= I 0 4 r e β ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 2 e 2 β ) 2
= K 1 P 1 I P 1 max = K 2 P 1 I 0 ,
K 1 P 1 = 4 r e β ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 e 2 β ) ( 1 r e β ) 2 ( r + e β ) 2 ,
K 2 P 1 = 4 r e β ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 2 e 2 β ) 2 .
Δ ν P 1 = c π n L 1 r e β r e β / 2 .
I P 1 r e s I 0 8 r 1 r 2 β .
Q P 10 = π n L ν c r 1 r .
1 Q P 1 = c π n L ν 1 r e β r e β / 2
= c π n L ν r ( e β / 2 r e β / 2 ) .
1 Q P 1 c π n L ν r ( 1 r ) + c 2 π n L ν r ( 1 + r ) β
= 1 Q P 10 + c 2 π n L ν β 1 + r r
= 1 Q P 10 + c 4 π ν τ 1 + r r .
c 4 π ν τ 1 + r r = c 4 π ν τ ( r 1 / 2 + r ) c 2 π ν τ
= 1 Q P 1 τ ,
1 Q P 1 1 Q P 10 + 1 Q P 1 τ .
U P 1 = U 0 r 1 r 2 e i ϕ e β 1 r 1 r 2 e i ϕ e β .
I P 1 = | U P 1 | 2 = I 0 ( 1 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ) .
I P 1 = I 0 I P 11 max 1 + ( 2 F T / π ) 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ,
I P 11 max = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 ,
F P 1 = π r 1 r 2 e β / 2 1 r 1 r 2 e β ,
Q P 1 = π n L ν c r 1 r 2 e β / 2 1 r 2 r 2 e β .
I P 1 min = I 0 ( r 1 r 2 e β 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 .
I P 1 max = I 0 ( r 1 + r 2 e β 1 + r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 .
I P 1 r e s = I P 1 max I P 1 min
= I 0 4 r 1 r 2 e β ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 e 2 β ) 2
= K 1 P 1 I P 1 max = K 2 P 1 I 0 ,
K 1 P 1 = 4 r 1 r 2 e β ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 ( r 1 + r 2 e β ) 2 ,
K 2 P 1 = 4 r 1 r 2 e β ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 e 2 β ) 2 .
I r e s I 0 4 r 1 r 2 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 ) 2 .
U P 2 = U 0 1 r 1 2 1 r 2 2 e i ϕ / 2 e β / 2 1 r 1 r 2 e i ϕ e β .
I P 2 = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) e β ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 )
= I P 2 max 1 + ( 2 F P 2 / π ) 2 sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ,
I P 2 max = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) e β ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 ,
F P 2 = π r 1 r 2 e β / 2 1 r 1 r 2 e β = F P 1 .
Q P 2 = Q P 1 = π n L ν c r 1 r 2 e β / 2 1 r 2 r 2 e β .
I P 2 min = I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) e β ( 1 + r 1 r 2 e β ) 2
= I P 2 max 1 + ( 2 F P 2 / π ) 2 .
I P 2 r e s = I P 2 max I P 2 min
= I 0 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 e 2 β ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 e 2 β ) 2
= K 1 P 2 I P 2 max = K 2 P 2 I 0 ,
K 1 P 2 = 1 ( π / ( 2 F P 2 ) ) 2 + 1 = 4 r 1 r 2 e β ( 1 + r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 ,
K 2 P 2 = 4 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 r 2 2 ) r 1 r 2 e 2 β ( 1 r 1 2 r 2 2 e 2 β ) 2 .
I D = I 0 ( I P 1 + I P 2 )
= I 0 ( 1 r 1 2 ) ( 1 + r 2 2 e β ) ( 1 e β ) ( 1 r 1 r 2 e β ) 2 + 4 r 1 r 2 e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) .
I P 1 = I 0 ( 1 ( 1 r 2 ) ( 1 r 2 e 2 β ) ( 1 r 2 e β ) 2 + 4 r 2 e β sin 2 ( ϕ / 2 ) ) ,
F P 1 = π r e β / 2 1 r 2 e β ,
Q P 1 = π n L ν c r e β / 2 1 r 2 e β .
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